Posts Tagged ‘father’

Chad – YouTube.

this slide show is in honor of chad, we share a daughter, she is almost 20, he was my first love, then one of my very best friends, he died this past september and all thought we broke up so very long ago, we stayed friends and over the years built a very strong, trusting and close friendship , we told each other things that we could tell no one else.  we had a mutual love and respect for one another and got to know each other to the very core.

its been a long journey, we met when we were teen agers, had our daughter at 22 years old and grew up over the years together as friends and parents .  we gave each other a first born child, this makes him the most important person to me because he gave her to me.  i will forever be thankful to him for that and cannot wait to see him in heaven one day.  i know our daughter misses him so much too and wish he was still here.

goodbye my dear dear friend, my first love.  i will carry you with me until we meet again.